Thursday, November 02, 2006

Civility in Politics

Republicans are liars and crooks and democrats hypocrites and traitors sums up too much of the political debate. Priest suggests a better way. Subtitled

Mark Foley, Morality, Children

Ex-congressman Mark Foley's prurient sex scandal has sullied his party, betrayed the congress and raised issues of child abuse in general. A priest gives his perspective

Friday, October 27, 2006

Catholic priest explains St. Paul

Catholic priest explains why St. Paul should be considered as the apostle of love and why people should be devoted to the apostle.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

A priest explains the Rosary and influence of John Paul II

The 20 decades of the rosary explained.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Pope Benedict and Muslim Controversy

Priest theologian, Rev. Jeffrey Mickler, analyses Pope Benedict’s talk on Faith, reason and the University, that led to the controversy with Islam. The context and nature of the remarks are made clear and the challenge to the West and its Universities becomes apparent.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Steve Irwin, a tribute to a great lover

Steve Irwin loved the creatures of this world and gave his life in an effort to teach all of us to have a greater sense of wonder and awe at the life that is teeming around us in all of its complexity and grandeur.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Earthy advice from Catholic priest about sexuality and responsibility

Earthy advice from Catholic priest about sexuality and responsibilitysex, intercourse

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Warren Jeffs Arrest: a priest reflects on religious freedom

The arrest of Warren Jeffs is reflected upon by a Catholic priest. The necessity of placing limits on religious freedom is explained and the importance of defending religious freedom supported.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Madonna, the cross, the decline of the West

Madonna uses a crown of thorns and a cross in her 2006 world tour. A Catholic priest reflects on the decline of the arts and religion in the West and asks the question, “150 years from now, will Notre Dame in Paris be a mosque, a museum or a Cathedral. He asks if religious attendance in the U.S. continues to decline what will be the results?

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Secret life of Catholic Priests: the real adventure, the true story

Priests in the Catholic Church enter the crisis moments of life and bring the Christ to people in need. Everyday life saving and changing situations priests find themselves in. Never dull.

Mike Douglas praised by Catholic priest.

On the day of his death, Mike Douglas was praised and prayed for by a Catholic priest in this short video.

A Cat and his Priest explain suffering and the mind of Go

Cat explains the CATechism of the CATholic Church along with his priest. An informative explanation of what is the ultimate mystery of life, suffering and death.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Mel Gibson and Anti-Semitism, a Catholic priest’s reflection

A Catholic priest involved in Jewish Christianity for over
20 years reflects on the drunken outburst of Mel Gibson that took place
at a moment while Israel was under attack and anti-Semitism around the world
is at an extremely high level

Friday, July 14, 2006

Catholic Mass: typical Sunday

Learn what Catholics are up to Sunday mornings. Watch a typical Catholic Mass. Homily on importance of family

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Catholic Priests and Brothers in Media

A quick explanation of the Society of St. Paul and its media ministry
Society of St. Paul

An invitation to men to join the Society of St. Paul
Call for Playboy and Hugh Hefner's Conversion

Bunnies Come home. A hard hitting but funny invitation for Hugh Hefner to convert.
Be a man, not a playboy!

What it means to be a man and a great lover not a humorless clown.
AIDS and HIV thoughts and reflections by a priest

The impact of HIV and the need for spiritual support and moral decisions.

Spiritual Advice

I have been a priest over 30 years. I have traveled the world working in media with my congregation the Society of St. Paul. It is in over 30 countries and we use modern technology to tell the story of God's love.